Note: All times referred to in this data format are universal time. Thus, for conversion of universal time to local time please use the longitude information of the station. For any question regarding AMBER and SAMBA data format, please contact Dr Endawoke Yizengaw at Columns 01-04 Year Columns 06-07 Month Columns 09-10 Day of the month Columns 12-13 Hour Columns 15-16 Minute Columns 18-23 Second Columns 24-30 Time (in minute for 1-min resolution, in second for 1 second and half-second resolutions) Columns 32-34 Day of the year Columns 38-47 Bx in nT (-9999.00 means no data) Columns 48-57 By in nT (-9999.00 means no data) Columns 58-67 Bz in nT (-9999.00 means no data) Columns 59-60 Quality control (1 - means good data and 9 - means bad data or no data)